Chassis SFACXXBJ2C??00142

Index LHD or RHD Date of First Registration Version
E702UKJ LHD 1987 Road



.. I bought this car (RHD 250BHP chassis No 142) new on 29th Sept 1987 for £53,812.47. This price included the "Stratton Pack" which consisted of a partial leather interior, upgraded carpets and better paint. On 26th July 1991 I bought Chassis No. 96 (a LHD EVO) from Ford at Boreham. It was a car that they had sent to Canada, but had never sold. In August 1992 Gordon Spooner Engineering converted 142 to LHD and 96 to RHD along with the entire interiors. So....142 (E702UKJ) ended up with a standard road interior and LHD, whilst i now had 96 (J200RSE) as a RHD EVO road car with an upgraded interior (including electric windows and an alarm fitted for the Canadian market!). I sold E702UKJ on 20th Jan 1995 for £31,500.


Email from James McAlpine who stated he was the first owner of this car and it is now a LHD 250BHP road car. He swapped ! it for chassis 96, a RHD EVO -

Advert in back of same magazine..1991

Classic and Sportscar June 1996

June 2004 - Another enthusiast, William Arnold, has sent me a some images for the database...

If you find any further info on this vehicle please email me on
